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Best lure all weekend!
Awesome Pike! The team at Eyes_Guys_Sportfishing had a great weekend at PK Resort in Granite Hill Lake, Ontario. This is a 38" PIke caught on an F9 Rapala customized with a Jaw Breaker paint job.

Awesome lure!
Mike, Superior Heating and Cooling
This monster Pike was caught on Lake Esangi, Ontario Canada with a custom painted lure from Big Drew's. 39.5 Inches, 9.2 Lbs. Great Job.
Mike was using The Rattler, a 4.75" Jerk Bait.

Great Lure!
Scott, Keepsake Video
Great job Scott! Scott caught this nice Walleye on the St. Clair River, Port Huron, MI using a 2.5" Crank Bait painted with the custom pattern Blue Lightning Shad

The charter captain said these hooks held up better than his normal salt water tackle
Don & Melissa, St. Clair, Michigan
Great job! These nice Mahi Mahi were caught near Aqaba in the Red Sea! They used "Blood Shot" on a 4.75" Jerk Bait.
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